Monday, August 27, 2012

Phlog - valley of decision

Joel 3:14

Lord, I pray that we stand on our personal decision. Give us the  realization to choose your 'narrow gate' willfully. 

There will be greater problem and much harder life as you said in prophecies, but please pray for us, like what you did to Peter, that our faith will not bow down. Didn't you command us to take heart? Jesus you overcame the world.

Let us be still during trying times for greater is God's grace waiting for us as an exit door, escaping sin that immediately cut's off our devotion. 

Yes there are battle inside and outside the Church, but God will help us through. The healing power of God will always be in our  heart. So even in the midst of brokenness we will thank God, not  for anything else but because God is God, who is worthy to receive honor and glory -period.

Thank you Lord for the peace of mind and heart. No matter happen, we trust you good plan. Surely we have all that we need because you Shepherd us.

Let there be wisdom and clear thinking in the valley of decision.   Many people will be affected, Lord, may we decide for the greater good.

in Jesus name, Amen.

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